Thursday, September 28, 2006

If we weren't fighting them in Iraq, they would be here in America....

I just watched a clip of the majority leader in the House of Representatives talking about our mission in Iraq. John Boehner said that Iraq was important because if we were not fighting the terrorists in Iraq then they would be in Boston or New York.

Personally, I am sick and tired of this illogical argument. If anyone is stupid enough to mutter this around me I will give them the following:

If a terrorist really hated America and wanted to kill us why would he go to Iraq, where we have 130,000 troops with state of the art equipment, to kill Americans. Isn't it easier to walk down the street in Boston, New York, or Miami and suicide bomb a cafe?


Which will get more attention and cause more TERROR, killing a handful of well armed soldiers in Iraq that will be ignored by the media, or splattering tourists all over Fisherman's Wharf in San Fransisco?


Terrorists are crazy, not stupid. They would pick the event that had the most impact. Just because they have not hit us here in the US since the Anthrax attacks of 10/2001 does not mean that the strategy in Iraq is working. The same assholes are trying just as hard to attack America on our own soil. They don't care about the sideshow in Iraq. Being able to operate a terrorist campain in Baghdad does not have the same impact as an attack on US soil. And they know it.

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