Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hey! Gov. Schwarzenegger said something intelligent

Check out this editorial that appeared in today's Sacramento Bee. In it Arnold comments on the subject of immigration. Here's an excerpt:

Schwarzenegger warns that we are entering "a dangerous area." He thinks we shouldn't blame those who want to come to America but rather the federal government, which is "not securing our borders." In an interview with the editorial board of the San Diego Union-Tribune before the town hall meetings, he called illegal immigration "a self-inflicted wound." Along with 70 percent of California voters in a recent Field Poll, he supports comprehensive reform that includes secure borders, guest workers and legalization of undocumented immigrants.

Schwarzenegger told the newspaper that he believes in redemption and thinks the American people do as well. Above all, the governor wants to elevate the tenor of what has become a nasty public debate and see it conducted "in a civil way without prejudice and without hatred."

Later, after meeting with angry constituents who yelled slogans such as "stop the invasion," Schwarzenegger told reporters the encounter was "pretty much the first time I had seen the intensity of prejudice."

It was the word "prejudice" that set off the critics. How dare the governor use such loaded language to describe the good people who are opposed to illegal immigration, they roared.

Not bad Arnold. Good job!

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